Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

A List of Farts

Weekend Update

What I did this weekend:
Friday: Stopped at my brothers house, and drank beer while listening to a friend of ours discuss the little known aspects of working with Realtors.
We all have hands!

Then I came home to my family, enjoyed a late beverage, and went to bed, as I was going to be the early guy up the following day.

Saturday: Child up at Seven am, expecting to go do something nice after the wife got back from a birthday party. After a long attempt to get her to go to bed, finally gave up on a nap. Fast forward a couple hours, and the child full on melted down, and went to take a nap. At Five O'clock. Up again at 7:00, she then made it her policy to engage me in playing dinosaurs and snails, with a chutes and ladders game involved, until nine when the wife arrived with McDonalds, and an assortment of very distasteful beers from the party.
No one actually likes this game.

After getting the tiny child to bed at about 11:30, decided to stay up until 12:30. Sleep then ensued.

Sunday: woke up at 1:00 pm, took over child rearing to let hung over wife go crash for a while. Looked at kid, and realized she needed to get out of the house and have some play time. Drove to a park, and played in the sun, until realizing that Sun+Nordic+sun allergies is not good for Raleigh.

Put a slide and a swing set here, and you have the park I was at.

Upon taking kid home, she announces that its nap time for her, and drops. Ran out to store for some small items, including milk, beer that tastes good, and whipped vodka for the wife to enjoy with her True Blood on HBO.

Ordered Pizza for house, everyone ate and enjoyed. Gave Kid a bath, then threw PJ's on said kid, and then put her to bed, followed shortly by us, after watching some Jersey Housewives.

Still not sure why I watched that show, but whatever.


My kid is taking classes with other kids now. I do not know how I feel about this. Only that I want more shield around the other kids at least.

Single Parenting Issues

So as you may have gathered, I am doing single dad duty while the better half is out of town. This has its ups and downs as you may well imagine. Still I didn't do too badly yet, and there is still time to deal with that nasty crock pot. That or buy a new one. I do know that I was on duty when the kid decided to start using the potty all by themselves. Thats right, I made that happen.

Kids today, I tell ya

Ok, so I know everyone loves to hear personal stuff. Heck, its what makes Facebook so popular. so Info dump:

Last night upon picking up the daughter, we notice that the kid has a serious cold, runny nose, the works (thanks mallrats). We take her home, after a short stop at a drug store to purchase stock in Big Pharma. Take kid home, and listen to her whine about her chair, food, cats, television, not having milk, not having enough milk, not having all the milk ever made by a cow.
Anyhow, we get her settled in, actually get some pain reliever in her for the sinus trouble that comes along with colds. ("MY NOSE HURTS MOMMY DADDY")

*This is where things should calm down, and lead to her going to bed*

We are on the couch in the living room, trying to calm down from the shock and awe attack, when she shrieks from the bedroom. Running in, I find that she hurt her wrist, her head, and her back. How you ask?
Well, my sick Daughter decided that she would use the little chair she normally sits in as a slide. Rather the bottom of a slide. The top would be the bed.

simulation of my daughters grand idea
 She slid face first (assumption based on injuries sustained) into her chair. Then rolled, and hurt everything, all over the place.

Children's Chair, ingredients by weight:
 *One two by four, poorly cut into sections and nailed together. 
*One cheap as possible piece of foam. 
*One cheap as possible covering

Cue figuring out how to calm her down AGAIN. At some point we decide to take her to bed, which leads to a cavalcade of bad ideas from both me and my wife.

It was fucking three stooges, people.

Finally get her to bed, and asleep. (she actually yells at wife to "Go Away.") Then she wakes up again at midnight, then again at six.

Morning ensues with a flurry of who is staying, take her to doctor, don't take her to doctor, the kindle is too bright, the phone is too bright, PITCH BLACK IS TOO BRIGHT.

I finally pry myself out the door, and drive to work,

 surprisingly quite relaxed at last.

Saturday Egg Sandwiches

Good morning.  This is my saturday.
After an early start with the kidlet, I am rearing to go!
I am already working on comic number one for next week. I have hidden myself away from my family and have incredible plans for getting at least five (FIVE) comics done by monday. One is scripted and sketched now.

This is the current layout of my desk right now. I have all my brushes and pens and pencils, along with a horrible collection of books, and of course some ten year old computer speakers. Dont laugh they have incredible bass.
This is a delicious Egg sandwich that my wife lovingly made for me. I truly live like royalty.
This is where the magic happens (insert cheap joke here)
Dell 14" monitor, paired with a mac mini (woo woo)

And thats all the bullshitting I can do to avoid working on my true love, art. Now to get down to it and draw like I have never drawn before!