Showing posts with label president. Show all posts
Showing posts with label president. Show all posts

Abraham Lincolns Cheetos

Palin Power Activate

Sarah Palin was on the Today show this morning. I read about it, but did not have the ability to stomach it. I know many people might think she would have been fine, but sadly I am not one of them.  I am a bit political in that I do wish for a bit of clear headed intelligence from my leaders, without some agenda to take apart the fabric of the country to uphold thier own personal belief system. Historically it isnt a good idea whenever a leader starts to move along thier own whims against the grain of the rules of the country.

I do think she might make a decent interviewer and talk show host. I am sure she did fine on the today show. I just worry about someone like that ever having true controling power. We have had that in the past, and it has nearly never worked out well.
We need a balance, and a willingness to compromise in favor of the people.

Ok, enough on that. Back to poop jokes.