Showing posts with label awkward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awkward. Show all posts


Anarchy in the U.K.

You ever have a conversation with someone who is a little more verbally relaxed than you, and then you try to over reach?

Right, me either.

Or neither.

Or whatever.

Anyway, this kinda thing actually happens to me, even though I have had experience teaching, and doing public speaking for actual money. That's right, I was paid to talk to groups of people that might have been listening.

Now, that said, I was usually saying something that I hadn't written. Something that I might not even cared about. Many teachers and public speakers do that.

The pay might have been really bad too, leading me to not caring much about how I sounded to them.

What I am saying, if I am saying anything at all, is that do not try to match semantic level, if you don't have experience using the terminology.

To this day, I cannot use the term "Cheers, Mate" around British or Australians.

This is my albatross  my cross. My really irritating thing that you hang onto because your mom wanted you to have it, and if you don't keep it, she might come by and ask how its doing, even though its ugly, and the wife hates it.

Now go out there, and have a terrific day!

Not Mark

This has happened before, and like the Cylons fighting humans, will happen again. Fresh from Portland, and feeling much better. I had a great time. Much thanks to @mcmatthew and his lovely wife for being willing to sit in a car with me for a day or so. I cant believe I had to add Cylons to my computers dictionary.
Hope you are all having a great Tuesday.

Finding the Right Demographic

Oh god soooo awkward. This is exactly how I figure things go when I stand up and speak in public. Luckily I am not actually in a comic, so it doesn't work out that way. Any how, I know this is really super late to be posting, but hey, can't be helped. Im still just a guy with a family and a job and people that he needs to see no matter what. I do intend on making these happen at least once  every 24 hours, but dont get all bent out of shape if ones a little late now and again. Relax in the knowledge that I have a script for tomorrow, so its all good. I didn't even have to rely on my friends. (although they do have some great ideas for comics.)