Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Dastardly Downloading

Game downloads for smartphones is at an all time high in the Raleigh household.
I have owned every one of these

I have been denied access to them due to buying $60.00 in the last month for my child.
So many tiny .99 cent games, so shiny. Fine, no more games then, I will just buy comics for my Kindle. Wait, I spent how much?


Ok, ok. maybe just a book. A good old book.

 Lets see here, Sci-Fi...hmmm everything sucks. Whatever happened to old fashioned blow up aliens in space with giant ships and guns books?

Ah, well. Fine, I will just sit here like a luddite, until my next paycheck.

Not for Human Consumption

I am trying out a new thing this week. I want to see if I can do a themed sort of comic. I see a lot of others do this sort of thing. Let see how well I do shall we? Yes, yes, we shall. I think I need to take my meds again. Not only am I talking to myself, but I sound like queen elizabeth.

Kids today, I tell ya

Ok, so I know everyone loves to hear personal stuff. Heck, its what makes Facebook so popular. so Info dump:

Last night upon picking up the daughter, we notice that the kid has a serious cold, runny nose, the works (thanks mallrats). We take her home, after a short stop at a drug store to purchase stock in Big Pharma. Take kid home, and listen to her whine about her chair, food, cats, television, not having milk, not having enough milk, not having all the milk ever made by a cow.
Anyhow, we get her settled in, actually get some pain reliever in her for the sinus trouble that comes along with colds. ("MY NOSE HURTS MOMMY DADDY")

*This is where things should calm down, and lead to her going to bed*

We are on the couch in the living room, trying to calm down from the shock and awe attack, when she shrieks from the bedroom. Running in, I find that she hurt her wrist, her head, and her back. How you ask?
Well, my sick Daughter decided that she would use the little chair she normally sits in as a slide. Rather the bottom of a slide. The top would be the bed.

simulation of my daughters grand idea
 She slid face first (assumption based on injuries sustained) into her chair. Then rolled, and hurt everything, all over the place.

Children's Chair, ingredients by weight:
 *One two by four, poorly cut into sections and nailed together. 
*One cheap as possible piece of foam. 
*One cheap as possible covering

Cue figuring out how to calm her down AGAIN. At some point we decide to take her to bed, which leads to a cavalcade of bad ideas from both me and my wife.

It was fucking three stooges, people.

Finally get her to bed, and asleep. (she actually yells at wife to "Go Away.") Then she wakes up again at midnight, then again at six.

Morning ensues with a flurry of who is staying, take her to doctor, don't take her to doctor, the kindle is too bright, the phone is too bright, PITCH BLACK IS TOO BRIGHT.

I finally pry myself out the door, and drive to work,

 surprisingly quite relaxed at last.

Not Allowed in Hospitals

This comic idea was actually hand crafted by a friend of mine during a deep philosophical conversation (re: drinking) It illustrates why some of us dont like hospitals very much. Too much security, and they just wont let you take the bio hazard waste containers when you want to.

Tomorrows comic should be interesting as I ran out of scripts last week some time, and the whole Christmas thingy has gotten just a bit silly. Thank goodness its all over.

Next up, potty training. Cant wait to deal with that. Must make note to keep a lot of disinfectant around. That and pray for regular standard bowel movements by my daughter.

Now that you have all recoiled in horror from way way too much detail, I bid you adieu until tomorrow.

Merry....Oh wait, ok

He really likes the giving season. I expect that my wife will have much the same opinion when she gets home tonight, as I decorated already in a flurry of boredom, and trying to clean out a closet.

Friday Friday Friday New things for me!

This is going to be the new header for my web comic. this way I can keep track of who the characters are and who created them. Not much time today for any drawing. I need to study a bit more, on non comic things. (IT things in case you wondered.) so this is my lunchtime post. I hope you like it. Its going to be at the top of the webpage asap.

Robotic Love 17: Fear for your drapes

This turned out a bit better than expected. Kanga the DoomKitty has arrived at the Robot family. Fear for your drapes. FEAR!!!!

Working working working

OK, now I have the figures all colored up. I need to relocate the word balloons though. Or the art, not sure there. Also adding in some minor sketch for Bobert jr. I like drawing the little tyke.

Rough edits

I still need to work on colors etc. but i think this is a good bit of familial humor for anyone. I also learned that if you save an image wrong, you can no longer erase shit off it, so gee nice one.

Robotic Love 14:Babe

Rough draft of the comic i am going to wrap up later tonight. Only had time to rough it out so far. I like it though. It has more of the feel of what I want to communicate with my comic.Definitely got to work on the backgrounds though. I really like what  Jeffery Rowland does with his. I forget how its done. I did it with some of my early comics. My luck is that I need photoshop. Grrrrr!