Showing posts with label machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label machine. Show all posts


Those coffee machines. Always the pranksters. They do make a delicious cup of joe though. My company recently got one. I liked it well enough, but the coffee was a little strong for my tastes. I do hope everyone had a nice weekend.

In other news, my dental issues have been halfway taken care of. I am now the proud owner of a hollow tooth, which is to be capped in a short four hour long dentist visit this Friday after work. Yippee.

He broke my machine

This one goes out to all the tech industry people that enjoy polite conversations where the audience isn't actually listening to you. you know the ones. Family, co-workers, that guy at starbucks who asks what you do, and when you tell him, his eyes glaze over and he starts drooling. sorry I havent posted on a regular basis. I have been troubled lately in trying to come up with a good humorous comic. My writing just doesnt always flow. I have to talk to my muse about that. Damnit what am I paying her for anyway? Also, I had to move my office. It is now located in my bedroom, up against a wall. with laundry on the chair.
did I mention my office is literally a corner of my bedroom? Im sure this is how Stephen King got started. Well he probably did, but still.