Showing posts with label iphones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iphones. Show all posts

Dastardly Downloading

Game downloads for smartphones is at an all time high in the Raleigh household.
I have owned every one of these

I have been denied access to them due to buying $60.00 in the last month for my child.
So many tiny .99 cent games, so shiny. Fine, no more games then, I will just buy comics for my Kindle. Wait, I spent how much?


Ok, ok. maybe just a book. A good old book.

 Lets see here, Sci-Fi...hmmm everything sucks. Whatever happened to old fashioned blow up aliens in space with giant ships and guns books?

Ah, well. Fine, I will just sit here like a luddite, until my next paycheck.

Salad Days

basically, this works with almost any type of food, in my experience. Sometimes, it will leap off the fork and onto my pants, my shirt, the side of my mouth..

happy Tuesday, everyone!