Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

Who put this in my Office

Happy post holidays everyone. It's back to work for at least a friday and monday. the it's New years!! Woo!

then of course back to work. 
I hope you like the new format. It's going to be 33% more wack, and remember 5% of the time it works everytime!

Don't mess with I.T.

I took his powerpoint, embedded it into a word document, then pasted that word doc into a excel spreadsheet, then I compressed the excel sheet, winrar'ed the compressed file, winzipped it and then sent it to a linux server where I changed the winzipped file into a .tar extension. Once that was done, I took a screenshot of the .tar file, and emailed that using AOL and a 5kb modem.

Take that!

Grim Rabbit

Today, you all get a bunny holding a rifle. Because, reasons, that's why.

This morning was really strange. I woke up at four, and had to use the bathroom, then didn't really go back to sleep. I just had that restless, sort of in and out of consciousness thing going on. finally, once I pulled myself up and out and got dressed, I was still really out of it.
My poor kid is still slugging away at a bad cold, and was all wrapped up in a ball, when I woke her up. I ended up almost falling asleep again while my wife wrapped up the daily beauty requirements in the bathroom.
Then it was the big rush to get a coat on the child, and get out of the house to park on the freeway again. When I think back to it, I get the theme song to office space stuck in my head. That little salsa dance music while they are stuck in traffic.
 I just am not feeling the funny today, so instead I drew you a rabbit. I hope you enjoy it, as much as I did making it. More better tomorrow.

Sweater Staples!

Sweater Staples: If they aren't screaming, they aren't wearing staples.

Switching topics in three, two, one....

OK, so I am going to vent a little about something here. I was at a social gathering doing my standard thing...
(holding a beer and trying to find a way to be attractive and interesting and witty while sitting in the corner and running out the battery on my smart phone, posting to twitter.)

A smattering of people were at the function, all walks of life. All of a sudden one of them describes a person she knows.

"He was, you know, weird and geeky."

Now I am not a full fledged geek. I come into this from an angle so to speak. When growing up, I did not sit in a room without windows and put together commodore 64's with a blindfold on to impress my friends. (Which would be pretty cool)
Regardless, I am getting real sick of people who mistake interest in something useful, as weird, or something to make fun of.

If you can't figure out the settings on your phone, that does not make me weird for being able to use Google to look up a manual and fix your fucking tech. That just means that you can't think creatively enough to use tools that require the fine art of typing.


Also, at this gathering is a group of people that all like a particular sport. Now we all had different knowledge of the sport, but no one there would have said,

"He was, you know, weird and knew sports."

"He was all odd, and knew medicine."

"He was all strange, and liked to go jogging."

You see folks? This shit doesn't make any sense long term. It's simply ignorant, and comes off a little exclusionary.

We are no longer in high school. 

This is the real world. 

Start acting like it and grow up enough to realize that people are knowing of different things. That doesn't equal nerd.

OK, now I am going to go back to my phone and play with settings.

Peace out.

You Win Internet

Sometimes, you should just assume that idiots run the web. OK, maybe most of the time you should assume this.

Accepting Complaints

Well, it looks like I am back on the horse. No, not heroin. sheesh, people. I am back to making silly comics again. I plan on expanding my standard group of fools into a larger cast of characters to get some new fresh into the whole shebang.
At some point I would like to do a whole series of them along the same theme, but right now I seem to be stuck at one-liner sort of jokes.
I am pretty sure you would not want to see me do a week of jokes about this particular subject

(not having done a new comic properly in about a month).

Yeah, that would go from funny to OH MY GOD STOP in about a New York minute.

Robotic Love 14:Babe

Rough draft of the comic i am going to wrap up later tonight. Only had time to rough it out so far. I like it though. It has more of the feel of what I want to communicate with my comic.Definitely got to work on the backgrounds though. I really like what  Jeffery Rowland does with his. I forget how its done. I did it with some of my early comics. My luck is that I need photoshop. Grrrrr!